Adult and Community Education


Adult and Community Education

The NSW Government’s Adult and Community Education (ACE) Program provides additional support to disadvantaged students who have barriers to studying a full qualification. The ACE Program aims to promote access and increase vocational education and training outcomes for those who experience significant barriers to training and employment.

This may include students who are:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
  • living with a disability
  • long-term unemployed
  • Commonwealth welfare recipients and their dependants
  • migrants/refugees who are unemployed or underemployed
  • experiencing other barriers to the Smart and Skilled entitlement program
  • living in regional and remote communities where training under the Smart and Skilled entitlement program cannot easily be accessed.

Do you experience any of the following?

If you answer YES to one or more of the following, you could qualify for ACE subsidised training at Macquarie Community College.

  • Do you need assistance with reading, writing and numeracy?
  • Do you have limited employability skills?
  • Are you receiving a Centrelink benefit?
  • Do you have ongoing personal issues which affect your ability to attend or succeed with your learning?
  • Do you live in a regional or remote community where access to training under the Smart and Skilled entitlement program is difficult?

What type of training can I do?

Adult and Community Education (ACE) programs support training that is linked to the NSW Skills List. This includes:

  • short courses involving nationally accredited units of competency and other tailored training
  • units/modules supporting language, literacy, numeracy and employability skills
  • targeted training and limited full qualifications up to and including Certificate III qualifications for those who are experiencing barriers

Am I eligible?

To be eligible you must be:

  • 15 years of age or older
  • no longer at school
  • living or working in NSW
  • an Australian OR New Zealand Citizen, Australian Permanent Resident OR a Humanitarian Visa Holder, OR a Partner Visa Holder whose sponsor is a current or past Humanitarian Visa Holder.

Other criteria applies. To check your eligibility and subsidised training status for any of our courses please contact us.

As an ACE provider Macquarie Community College (RTO 90033) is able to offer a suite of short courses subsidised by the NSW Government. Click here for further information on the ACE program and enrolment process.

PLEASE NOTE: This training is subsidised by the NSW Government.