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Child Care Certificate
CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care - Sydney This course provides you with the knowledge, skills and qualification to work with children in a variety of roles and settings such as preschools, long day care services, child care centres and family day care. If you have a love for children and are wanting to make a meaningful impact on their development, choosing a career in Child Care may be a great move for you! As the Australian Child Care industry... Read more
Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care CHC30121.
  • Provide First Aid in an education and care setting (HLTAID012)
  • Identify and respond to children and young people at risk (CHCPRT001)
  • Participate in workplace health and safety (HLTWHS001)
  • Support children to connect with the natural environment (CHCECE037)
  • Meet legal and ethical obligations in children's education and care (CHCECE055)
  • Work effectively in children's education and care (CHCECE056)
  • Support children's health, safety and wellbeing (CHCECE031)
  • Follow basic food safety practices (HLTFSE001)
  • Observe children to inform practice (CHCECE038)
  • Support the holistic learning and development of children (CHCECE035)
  • Support inclusion and diversity (CHCECE030)
  • Work with diverse people (CHCDIV001)
  • Encourage understanding of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples' cultures (CHCECE054)
  • Nurture babies and toddlers (CHCECE032)
  • Provide experiences to support children's play and learning (CHCECE036)
  • Develop positive and respectful relationships with children (CHCECE033)
  • Use an approved learning framework to guide practice (CHCECE034)
CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

<h3 id="header-chc30121-certificate-iii-in-early-childhood-education-and-care---sydney">CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care - Sydney</h3>

<p>This course provides you with


ENROLLING NOW!! CALL 1300 845 888

If you're a prospective student, please visit: where you will find everything you need to know about the Smart and Skilled program before you enrol.

*Eligibility criteria apply. This training is subsidised by the NSW Government, and as a result your fee is determined through Training Services NSW formal eligibility criteria. 

Students will need to supply the required evidence in accord with the requirements of Smart and Skilled eligibility.

Enquire today or CALL US on 1300 845 888 to check your eligibility.

Not eligible for Subsidised Training: $9,600

Receiving a Centrelink benefit? Take your enrolment confirmation and invoice to Centrelink to find out if you are eligible for financial assistance.

Payment Plans are available through Macquarie Community College for Smart and Skilled eligible qualifications. 10% deposit OR $40 (whichever is greater) required upon enrolment followed by Interest-free payment plan. Payment methods: EFTPOS, Direct Deposit, Direct Debit, Visa or MasterCard.

CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

<h3 id="header-chc30121-certificate-iii-in-early-childhood-education-and-care---sydney">CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care - Sydney</h3>

<p>This course provides you with


ENROLLING NOW!! CALL 1300 845 888

If you're a prospective student, please visit: where you will find everything you need to know about the Smart and Skilled program before you enrol.

*Eligibility criteria apply. This training is subsidised by the NSW Government, and as a result your fee is determined through Training Services NSW formal eligibility criteria. 

Students will need to supply the required evidence in accord with the requirements of Smart and Skilled eligibility.

Enquire today or CALL US on 1300 845 888 to check your eligibility.

Not eligible for Subsidised Training: $9,600

Receiving a Centrelink benefit? Take your enrolment confirmation and invoice to Centrelink to find out if you are eligible for financial assistance.

Payment Plans are available through Macquarie Community College for Smart and Skilled eligible qualifications. 10% deposit OR $40 (whichever is greater) required upon enrolment followed by Interest-free payment plan. Payment methods: EFTPOS, Direct Deposit, Direct Debit, Visa or MasterCard.

CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

<h3 id="header-chc30121-certificate-iii-in-early-childhood-education-and-care---sydney">CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care - Sydney</h3>

<p>This course provides you with


ENROLLING NOW!! CALL 1300 845 888

If you're a prospective student, please visit: where you will find everything you need to know about the Smart and Skilled program before you enrol.

*Eligibility criteria apply. This training is subsidised by the NSW Government, and as a result your fee is determined through Training Services NSW formal eligibility criteria. 

Students will need to supply the required evidence in accord with the requirements of Smart and Skilled eligibility.

Enquire today or CALL US on 1300 845 888 to check your eligibility.

Not eligible for Subsidised Training: $9,600

Receiving a Centrelink benefit? Take your enrolment confirmation and invoice to Centrelink to find out if you are eligible for financial assistance.

Payment Plans are available through Macquarie Community College for Smart and Skilled eligible qualifications. 10% deposit OR $40 (whichever is greater) required upon enrolment followed by Interest-free payment plan. Payment methods: EFTPOS, Direct Deposit, Direct Debit, Visa or MasterCard.

CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

<h3 id="header-chc30121-certificate-iii-in-early-childhood-education-and-care---sydney">CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care - Sydney</h3>

<p>This course provides you with


ENROLLING NOW!! CALL 1300 845 888

If you're a prospective student, please visit: where you will find everything you need to know about the Smart and Skilled program before you enrol.

*Eligibility criteria apply. This training is subsidised by the NSW Government, and as a result your fee is determined through Training Services NSW formal eligibility criteria. 

Students will need to supply the required evidence in accord with the requirements of Smart and Skilled eligibility.

Enquire today or CALL US on 1300 845 888 to check your eligibility.

Not eligible for Subsidised Training: $9,600

Receiving a Centrelink benefit? Take your enrolment confirmation and invoice to Centrelink to find out if you are eligible for financial assistance.

Payment Plans are available through Macquarie Community College for Smart and Skilled eligible qualifications. 10% deposit OR $40 (whichever is greater) required upon enrolment followed by Interest-free payment plan. Payment methods: EFTPOS, Direct Deposit, Direct Debit, Visa or MasterCard.