Frequently Asked Questions


CONSUMER PROTECTION – How am I protected as a consumer of Macquarie Community College’s products and services?
CONTACT US – How can I contact Macquarie Community College?
CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT – Help us to continuously improve our services
OPERATIONS – How does Macquarie Community College operate?
POLICIES – Refund, Terms and Conditions, Privacy, Consumer Protection
WHS – Work Health and Safety
WEBSITE FEEDBACK – Have you noticed any problems with our website?

APPLICATION – How do I apply to study with Macquarie Community College?
CREDIT TRANSFER AND RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING – Can I transfer credits? Can my previous qualifications and/or recent work experience be recognised?
COMPETENCY BASED ASSESSMENT – What is a Competency Based Assessment?
LLN ASSESSMENT – What is a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment?
POLICIES – Refund, Terms and Conditions, Privacy, Consumer Protection
SECURITY – Will my personal information be secure?
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES – What are my assessment responsibilities as a student?
USI – What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI)?

CERTIFICATE – When will I get my certificate?
COMPLAINTS PROCESS – How do I make a complaint?
STUDENT COMPETENCIES – What if I successfully demonstrate competencies in some areas but not in others?
STUDENT INDUCTION – Will I have an induction before my accredited course begins?
STUDENT PROGRESSION – How will I know if I am progressing with my studies?
STUDENT RESOURCES – Resources and forms for VET students
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES – What are my assessment responsibilities as a student?
STUDENT SUPPORT – How will I be supported during my studies?
STUDENT TRAINING – How will I be trained?
TRAINER RESPONSIBILITIES – What will my trainer’s responsibilities be?
WORK PLACEMENT – Will I have to do Work Placement?
WORK PLACEMENT INSURANCE – Will I need personal insurance to go on Work Placement?

CONSUMER PROTECTION – How am I protected as a consumer of Macquarie Community College products and services?
POLICIES – Refund, Terms and Conditions, Privacy, Consumer Protection and more

CONSUMER PROTECTION – How am I protected as a consumer of Macquarie Community College’s products and services?

There are various ways in which students are protected as consumers of Macquarie Community College’s services:

  • Prospective students are fully informed of our products and services by way of our website and catalogues and are then able to make decisions based on that information.(RTO Standard 4)

  • Prospective students are ensured that the course chosen is the right “fit” for their needs by means such as our initial language, literacy and numeracy assessment for some courses, and individual communication with our sales team and/or our program managers. This allows time for prospective students to ask all questions which may be of concern or interest and to be fully informed prior to completing our enrolment form. Students may also contact us via our website to arrange for an individualised talk with one of our staff. Upon selection of a training course students will be required to complete our enrolment process which is individualised to the particular course. Visit our
    Contact Us page. (RTO Standard 5)

  • If a student has any complaint or wishes to appeal an assessment decision we have procedures in place for you to do this. We will ensure fair and efficient handling of your complaint / appeal by our Senior Management. (RTO Standard 6)

  • Macquarie Community College guarantees to complete supply of training services once you have commenced, unless you submit a formal withdrawal notification form or letter. This guarantee is valid for six months from initial course commencement date unless otherwise agreed.

  • As a Macquarie Community College student you are covered by the college’s public liability insurance when at out training locations, and by volunteer worker coverage if on work placement. (Students are not covered when travelling to and from training or on excursions).

  • Other legislation applies to your protection and responsibilities as a consumer of Macquarie Community College’s services including issues related to Work Health & Safety hazard identification, Harassment, Anti-Bullying, Copyright, Anti-discrimination and working with children.
  • Read more on our Consumer Protection Policy
    More information is provided in our Student Handbook found in your student portal.

    CONTACT US – How can I contact Macquarie Community College?

    There are many ways you can contact us:
    1. Use our website contact form at our Contact Us page
    2. Call us on 1300 845 888
    3. Use our Live Chat system on this website
    4. Visit and speak to staff in person at the following offices:

    • Blacktown Campus – Level 1, 125 Main St, BLACKTOWN NSW 2148
    • Carlingford Campus – 263 Marsden Rd, CARLINGFORD NSW 2118
    • Chatswood Campus – Level 1, 8 Thomas St, CHATSWOOD NSW 2067

      CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT – Help us to continuously improve our services

      If you have any suggestions to assist us with our constant product and service improvements, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us on 1300 845 888 or visit our Contact Us page.

      OPERATIONS – How does Macquarie Community College operate?

      Macquarie Community College offers a broad range of accredited and non-accredited training. MCC operates its accredited training within the guidelines of The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).ASQA is the national Vocational Education and Training (VET) regulator, established under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (NCVER Act).

      View our listing at:

      The Chief Executive Officer and Senior Management ensure that the operations, staff and students of Macquarie Community College comply with the requirements of the VET Quality Framework, which includes the following:

    • Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015

    • Australian Qualifications Framework

    • Fit and Proper Person Requirements

    • Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements

    • Data Provision Requirements

    • For more information on each of the requirements in this list please visit:

      POLICIES – Refund, Terms and Conditions, Privacy, Consumer Protection and more

      The following policies are available for you to access:

    • Access & Equity Policy

    • Consumer Protection Policy

    • Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying Policies

    • Protection from Abuse Policy

    • Privacy Statement

    • Quality Statement

    • Refund Policy – Fee for Service Courses

    • Refund Policy – Government Subsidised Courses

    • Terms and Conditions

    • Workplace Health & Safety Policy

    • WHS – Work Health and Safety

      MCC’s health and safety objectives are:

      • To provide a safe and healthy work environment for all our employees, students, contractors and other persons.
      • To provide safe and healthy methods of work.
      • To provide programs of health and safety activities and procedures which are continually updated and effectively carried out.
      • To identify and eliminate or reduce hazards and risks to health and safety.
      • To continually monitor and improve work health and safety.
      • To provide appropriate education and training resources
      • To comply with all relevant laws, rules, standards and codes of practice.

      View the Workplace Health & Safety Policy.

      WEBSITE FEEDBACK – Have you noticed any problems with our website?

      Please contact us on 1300 845 888 or visit our Contact Us page to alert us to any website issues. We value your feedback!

      APPLICATION – How do I apply to study with Macquarie Community College?

      Anyone 18 years or older may enrol into our non-accredited courses at any time on our website by choosing the course they are interested in, finding a day and time that suits best and clicking the enrol now button. We will ask for your details and will then take you through our easy to use, secure payments process. Alternatively you can call customer service on 1300 845 888. Students aged between 15 and 18 may enrol in non-accredited courses if approved by management.

      In the event that the course dates are yet to be advised you can add your name (without payment) to our waiting list and we will contact you with further information.

      For accredited vocational education and training courses (eg full or part qualifications) we have an application process prior to enrolment. Each accredited course on our website contains an Apply Now button.

      By clicking on this button and completing the application form you start a process of communication with our staff. A staff member will contact you to speak to you about the course you are interested in and assist you with any further enquiries you may have about the course.

      When you have made the decision to enrol in an accredited course you will be required to complete an Enrolment Form.

      The enrolment form ascertains contact details, course of interest, emergency contact details, whether there is any recognition of prior learning required and whether we may need to make adjustments to your training based on your individual needs.

      This form is also used to collect the relevant statistical information the college is required to provide Government agencies and funders (eg for AVETMISS and contract reporting.

      The back of the enrolment form outlines the terms and conditions of enrolment, including your rights and responsibilities. You will be required to sign the back of the form to acknowledge your agreement with Macquarie Community College’s terms and conditions.

      You will also need to complete some additional steps, such as applying for a USI (see below). Additional forms may be required depending on the course you choose. Our staff will advise you of the forms that apply to your course.

      CREDIT TRANSFER AND RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING – Can I transfer credits? Can my previous qualifications and/or recent work experience be recognised?

      Yes, The College can assist with Credit Transfer (CT) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

      Credit Transfer (CT) is granted as a result of identifying learning outcomes already achieved through formal training. Credit outcomes may allow for entry into a qualification and/or provide credit towards the qualification. Credit Transfer given may reduce the time required for a student to achieve the qualification.

      To apply for Credit Transfer the prospective student will need to provide original or certified copies of certificates previously attained through formal training prior to completing the enrolment process.

      Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is granted as a result of identifying and assessing previous and current informal education and training, work experience and/or life experience and knowledge. Previous learning and the evidence supplied is measured against pre-determined performance standards contained within the Units of Competency.

      To apply for recognition of prior learning the prospective student should indicate their decision to apply for recognition as soon as possible after enrolment and the induction program.

      We will be happy to provide you with an RPL kit after speaking directly with you to ensure you understand the requirements of this process.

      COMPETENCY BASED ASSESSMENT – What is a Competency Based Assessment?

      Assessment tasks for accredited units are designed to evaluate a student’s skills and knowledge required to perform particular tasks within a workplace. The skills and knowledge are underpinned by foundation skills which encompass literacy and work skills to varying degrees.

      When you undertake a competency based assessment your results are either Competent or Not Yet Competent meaning that you have either successfully demonstrated the required skills or knowledge, or you are still working towards successful demonstration. Competencies are not ‘scaled’ or ‘graded’.

      The level of your performance is assessed against national standards. This means that the evidence you provide and the competencies you demonstrate must meet the standard of performance already set.

      At Macquarie Community College your trainer will advise you if you need more practice at particular aspects of your study and will assist you to reach competency by course completion.

      LLN ASSESSMENT – What is a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment?

      All students undertaking accredited training are required to undertake an LLN assessment unless a student currently holds a Certificate III qualification or above delivered under the Australian Qualifications Framework. Students who are identified as in need of assistance with their learning will be provided with support throughout the learning process.

      Language, Literacy and Numeracy skills are generally included and identified in Training Packages and accredited course programs requiring students to have basic skills in the areas of:

      • Reading
      • Writing
      • Numeracy
      • Oral Communication

      More information is provided in our Student Handbook found in your student portal.

      SECURITY – Will my personal information be secure?

      MCC collects and stores our clients' personal details for training purposes only.

      Where State or Commonwealth funding supports training we are obliged to submit personal and progress details for research, statistical analysis, program evaluation, post completion survey and internal management purposes.

      We DO NOT share, rent, or sell personal information provided to Macquarie Community College.

      The confidentiality of the information we collect is protected under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 No 133. If we are required to disclose information about any of our clients to a third party we will acquire written consent from the client first (ie editorial; photos for advertising purposes, etc).

      USI – What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI)?

      On 1 January 2015 the National Unique Student Identifier (USI) system was introduced to create a secure online record of a student’s recognised training and qualifications gained in Australia. This system allows students to have access to their own training records and transcripts online, anytime and anywhere. The system is free and Macquarie Community College upon consent, can apply on your behalf to ensure our students are issued with a Unique Student Identifier upon enrolment and entry into our Student Management Database.

      Find out more about USIs at:

      More fact sheets are available at:


      Our Access & Equity Policy is implemented through mandatory procedures that are underpinned by national and state government requirements and more specifically, the principles contained in the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977.

      We design our programs and maintain our premises to ensure the needs of all students, including those with disabilities, are met in all aspects of the programs we offer.

      We design our courses to maximise inclusion and create an environment that is non-intrusive and ensures students have equal education opportunities.

      CERTIFICATE – When will I get my certificate?

      Students in accredited courses are issued with a VET Statement of Attainment or VET Qualification once competency has been achieved, as outlined within the Training Package. These documents are called testamurs. The testamur statement for all AQF qualifications issued will identify the qualification as an AQF qualification with the words “The qualification is recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework” or display the AQF logo.

      The testamur will contain sufficient information to identify correctly the:

      • Issuing organisation
      • Graduate who is entitled to receive the AQF qualification
      • Awarded AQF qualification by its full title
      • Date of issue/award/conferral
      • Person(s) in the organisation authorised to issue the documentation and
      • Authenticity of the document, in a form to reduce fraud, will be utilised in the form of a watermark of the logo or unique stamp or seal

      All Certificates and Statements of Attainment identify Macquarie Community College by its national provider number from the National Register and includes the Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) logo.

      See a sample of the information certificates are required to have here: Sample AQF documentation

      MCC will issue Certificates and Statements of Attainment within 28 days of course completion providing the following have been met.

      • Compulsory work placement requirements

      • All assessments have been submitted by due dates

      • All student course fees have been paid

      COMPLAINTS PROCESS – How do I make a complaint?

      We welcome feedback and input from students, staff, members of the College, stakeholders and members of the public as part of our continuous improvement processes. We are committed to the resolution of complaints in a fair and equitable manner, in a timely fashion.

      Any general complaint in the first instance should be directed to our Customer Service team on 1300 845 888 or via our Contact Us page.

      Prospective students not yet enrolled can provide feedback or make a formal complaint by phone, email or in-person.

      We encourage all enrolled students to speak first with their Trainer about issues arising during their studies. The Trainer will generally speak with a senior staff member about the issue in order to resolve the issue promptly. If the student prefers to speak to another staff member rather than their Trainer or lodge a formal complaint in writing they will be asked to complete a complaints form. If the matter is about an academic matter (about for example an assessment, progression) they will be asked to complete an Appeals form.

      Macquarie Community College staff will make themselves available at a mutually convenient time if a student wishes to seek assistance.

      If a student wishes to make a formal complaint or lodges an Appeal they are required to complete a Complaints or Appeals Form, which is included in our Student Handbook and found in your student portal. Once the form has been completed it should be submitted to Macquarie Community College for actioning.

      If a Trainer or staff member is experiencing any difficulties caused by a student’s behaviour, they are encouraged to discuss their concerns with their manager or with a member of Senior Management. Depending on the nature of the issue this will be handled through the general complaints process or our staff grievance procedures.

      Macquarie Community College recognises that differences and grievances can arise from time to time. The quick settlement of these matters is in the best interest of all parties concerned.

      Should you wish to escalate your complaint further please do so to State Training Services either

    • via

    • phone on 13 28 11

    • or in person at any Smart & Skilled Customer Support Centre
    • Clients of a registered training organisation may also make an escalated complaint to the Australian Skills Quality Authority.

      Download our Complaints & Appeals Form.

      Our Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Policy and related procedures seek to provide clear and practical guidance to assist the organisation and its workers to confidently manage our interactions with those complainants whose conduct is identified as unreasonable.

      This policy assists the College in managing the impact of a complainant’s conduct that raises material issues of safety, resources and/or equity.

      Macquarie Community College recognises that differences and grievances can arise from time to time. The quick settlement of these matters is in the best interest of all parties concerned.

      In the event interactions with complainants whose conduct is identified as unreasonable, the Unreasonable Complainant Conduct policy will be referred to. This policy does not prevent a complainant from exercising their consumer, student or other rights such as escalating their complaint through appropriate external agencies.

      Macquarie Community College recognises that differences and grievances can arise from time to time. The quick settlement of these matters is in the best interest of all parties concerned.

      In the event complainants engage in persistent conduct that is unreasonable, the College will follow the guidelines and procedures recommended by the Ombudsman in dealing with Unreasonable Complainant Conduct. This does not prevent a complainant from exercising their consumer, student or other rights such as escalating their complaint through appropriate external agencies.

      STUDENT COMPETENCIES – What if I successfully demonstrate competencies in some areas but not in others?

      If you are enrolled in a qualification and can only demonstrate competencies in some but not all Units of Competency (UOC) a Certificate for the qualification cannot be issued; you will however receive a Statement of Attainment and Transcript for all completed units.

      If you elect to continue and complete the full qualification or any outstanding units, your assessor will work with you on a training pathway and develop a plan for completing your course of study.

      STUDENT INDUCTION – Will I have an induction before my accredited course begins?

      Student Induction information is provided prior to course commencement. The induction will include a presentation with information on:

      • About MCC
      • Site information
      • MCC Obligations as an RTO
      • My obligations as a student
      • My rights as a student
      • Support during my studies
      • Access to further information
      • Course information
        • Training plan
        • Assessment
        • Work placement (if applicable)

      STUDENT PROGRESSION – How will I know if I am progressing with my studies?

      All students have access to their course progress via our Student Portal. This portal is accessible via the Login button on this website or by going to

      If a student wishes to provide a third party with access to their records, they should state this in a formal request in writing. Macquarie Community College will provide, within 48 hours of receiving the written request, a transcript of the student’s participation and progress.

      STUDENT RESOURCES – Resources and forms for VET students

      Access a variety of resources and forms for VET students here.

      STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES – What are my assessment responsibilities as a student?

      All students undertaking accredited courses are provided with information about the course structure, the training and assessment strategies and the assessment tasks or evidence required to demonstrate competency.

      An Assessment Cover Sheet is provided to the student to complete and attach to each of their completed Assessment Tasks prior to submission to their Assessor.

      The cover sheet provides a mechanism for the student to sign a declaration that the work submitted is “all their own work” and that they have kept a copy of their assessment task for their reference. The cover sheet also provides a mechanism for the assessor to provide feedback to the student as well as their result for work completed.

      STUDENT SUPPORT – How will I be supported during my studies?

      Macquarie Community College is committed to creating an environment where our students feel welcome, respected and supported.

      Macquarie Community College caters to diverse client learning needs and aims to identify and respond to the learning needs of all students. All students are encouraged to express their views about their learning needs at all stages of their learning experience, from the initial enrolment and induction stage to completion stage. Macquarie Community College is committed to providing students with additional support, advice or assistance while training. To achieve this and to ensure the quality delivery of training and education, Macquarie Community College will assist and support students as appropriate and/or refer them to qualified counsellors. Staff will respond to and attempt to alleviate any signs of distress or discomfort of students.

      Additional support and services may include:

      • Education and Careers Pathway advice
      • Assistance when applying for RPL
      • Whether or not specialist support equipment or personnel is required
      • Whether or not any reasonable adjustments need to be applied to a candidates training
      • Mentoring
      • IT support
      • Referral to counselling services
      • Literacy and numeracy support
      • Grievance /conflict support
      • Stress management
      • Access and equity support

      Macquarie Community College staff members understand the principles of Access & Equity Policy access and equity and are familiar with learning options available to accommodate a variety of pathways to completing qualifications, which are identified within the Training and Assessment Strategy.

      A learner experiencing genuine difficulties experienced in completing a program in the allotted time is encouraged to alert their Trainer and/or bring this to the attention of the Lead Trainer at the first available opportunity.

      Our continuous improvement processes gather feedback to monitor and improve services to meet student needs.

      STUDENT TRAINING – How will I be trained?

      Training and assessment at Macquarie Community College is delivered by qualified trainers and assessors. Training can be delivered in a variety of modes including classroom based and online. Our trainers are skilled at providing learning and assessment requirements appropriate to your course and tailored to individual student learning needs and the mode of delivery.

      Attendance is an important part of the learning process. Classroom based students are required to attend each scheduled session. Students undertaking online study are required to log in to their course at regular intervals. Trainers and assessors will moderate the learning pace, method and sequence appropriate to the learning needs of each student regardless of the mode of delivery.

      Learning methods will vary and can include, but are not limited to:

      • group discussions
      • practical exercises
      • written assessment
      • team activities
      • oral presentations
      • case studies
      • role play
      • portfolio

      TRAINER RESPONSIBILITIES – What will my trainer’s responsibilities be?

      Your Trainer will provide clear instructions about what is expected from you during your training and will explain and answer all questions you may have about your course and the assessment process, and the safety of the training environment.

      Training may consist of group/action learning activities and projects, self-paced learning, assignments, case studies, presentations, discussions, workbook activities, research and reports etc. Each unit of competency will be clearly outlined and your trainer will explain what is expected of you during the learning phase.

      To ensure our trainers are kept up-to-date with current industry requirements, according to the industry being taught and the training industry, they are required to maintain a professional development log and trainer matrix.

      More information is provided in our Student Handbook found in your student portal.

      WORK PLACEMENT – Will I have to do Work Placement?

      Accredited training for any Community Services course may require some work placement. Work placement is an unpaid experience in an accredited facility in which real-life experience is gained prior to the issue of a qualification.

      In many Community Services courses work placement is a compulsory component of the course and students will be required to complete a set number of hours in order to meet the minimum requirements of a qualification, for example: 120 hours for Certificate III in Individual Support.

      Macquarie Community College also, at times, offers work placement as part of training to assist students to gain employment or to provide a simulated environment for practical activities.

      Macquarie Community College has a responsibility to protect members of the public (and students) from being harmed when taking part in workplace or simulated workplace learning. If there is evidence that your skills or behaviour could present a risk to yourself or other people in the workplace, you may not be allowed to participate in a work placement, at least for a period of time.

      A Working with Children Check is required by a student in courses where contact will be made with children, young people and those with a disability. See: for more information.

      A National Police Check will also be required by some facilities prior to work placement. See: for more information.

      A complete vaccination record will also be required by some facilities prior to work placement. See: for more information.

      All students should speak with their trainers if they have any questions or require any assistance with regards to their work placement.

      More information is provided in our Student Handbook found in your student portal.

      WORK PLACEMENT INSURANCE – Will I need personal insurance to go on Work Placement?

      No, Macquarie Community College maintains public liability insurance and volunteer worker coverage throughout its registration, with adequate cover suitable for our size and scope of registration.
      Our CEO is responsible for ensuring that sufficient cover is in place to cover the usual risks associated with the operations of a registered training organisation (RTO).

      More information is provided in our Student Handbook found in your student portal.