Paula Barham
Paula Barham
Paula Barham has previously been employed by an International Company for 16 years, to train women to speak and present themselves in a professional manner. Paula has been trained in the area of Events, Fashion Parades, Corporate Functions, Wedding?s, Banquet?s and has officiated functions for over 2000 people at venues which have included The Sydney Opera House, Darling Harbour Exhibition Centre and The Sydney Hilton. Paula has also a wealth of international speaking experience, being the keynote women?s speaker at conferences in Washington D.C., Boston, London, Amman, Cairo and Singapore.Paula now has her own Wedding Planner Training business which involves running training courses at locations all over Australia and New Zealand, to help people start their own business in the lucrative field of Wedding Planning. She has trained staff from various hotels in the area of Wedding Planning and has had numerous international clients take her course.
For the past three years, her company ?Wedding Inc? has officiated weddings for Japanese couples and has planned various Weddings for Australian couples. Now focusing more on training Wedding Planners, she has a wealth of experience and a gregarious nature to help her students gain the needed confidence to start their own exciting business.