Monica Barbuio
Monica has 16 years of experience in a marketing career spanning various industries such as paper products, engineering, pharmaceuticals, IT, retail, local government and tourism. Industry experience was gained from working in a diversity of small, medium and large multinational companies.
She is also an experienced vocational educational trainer and contract assessor in business management, marketing and international trade. Her career highlights include corporate logo development, project leader and manager of TV campaigns and advertising literature, retail management, new product developments, submission of local newspaper publicity and market research advisor.
Her dealings with Trade commissioners and ambassadors of various countries have led to successfully launching 3 innovatively new products into the Australian marketplace.
As a Associate Fellow of AMI she has written numerous articles in the marketing journal.
? B. Commerce; major in Marketing
? Masters in Commerce
? CPMAMI (Certified Practicing Marketer of Australian Marketing Institute)
? AFAMI (Associate Fellow)
? Certificate IV Workplace Assessment and Training
? TAA40104 and upgrade