Sandra McKenzie-Murray
Sandie McKenzie-Murray
Cert IV Workplace Assessment and Training
Cert IV Business Management
Sandie?s career in the computing industry began 30 years ago when she worked for companies such as Olivetti and Honeywell in their word processing divisions. She started in a sales support/trainer role where she supported companies who, for the first time ever, were introducing word processing machines into their typing pools. Sandie has also had experience in programming the original Olivetti accounting machines. The 80?s saw the introduction to PCs into both the workplace and the home and Sandie continued in this role but was leaning more towards the training area teaching various types of word processing, spreadsheet and data base programs. She attained TAFE certificates in Information Technology in the 90?s and began teaching computing at various TAFEs and business colleges in Sydney. Sandie has also had many years of practice working in the office environment, using the programs she has known and taught for so many years.