Amparo Le'Nepveu
Name: Amparo Le’Nepveu
Qualifications: Certificate in Spanish LOTE Methodology & culture. RMIT, Melbourne Australia. Diploma in Spanish as a second language in NSW. Sydney Australia. Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and Training. Australia. Master of Education, Computers in Education. University of Sydney Australia. Bachelor of Education, Adult education. UTS Sydney Australia. Diploma of Teaching, Technical. University of Sydney Australia. Graduate diploma in Information Technology. Complutense University in Madrid Spain. Bachelor of Sciences, Math & Physics. University FV in Lima Perú.
Experience: I am a native Spanish speaker, born in Perú and studied at universities in Perú, Spain and Australia. I had worked at the Sydney Institute of TAFE full-time as a teacher in Business, coordinator of special programs, Head Teacher B1 & B2 in Information Technology and Film and TV for 28 years. Since retiring from TAFE I have been teaching Spanish at the Macquarie Community College for 10 years. To keep up to date with changes in the Spanish Language, I have attended a number of short courses in Examination of foreign language, Didactic in the use of vocabulary and other courses in the Cervantes Institute Sydney Australia.