Lea Crisante
Lea Crisante is a registered Clinical Psychologist with over 25 years experience. She has worked in the counselling and psychology field in parent education, relationship counselling and mental health services, as well as in private practice with general practitioners.
As part of this, she has facilitated many groups in the community to address specific issues relating to health and family well-being. Lea enjoys helping people to find their own resources to improve the way they deal with life challenges.
Lea has recently completed her PhD. in psychology on the topic of parenting. She is an accredited provider of the Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) and past president of the NSW Family Therapy Association.
Lea is currently involved in the development of health psychology programs for family doctors to assist with the promotion of good health habits.
B A (Hons I) M Psych. MAPS
Cert IV Workplace Assessment and Training