Luigia ( Gina ) Pitronaci
Gina has worked at Macquarie Community College, teaching classes in Craft ad Eggs in the Faberge Style – at both Cumberland High and Cherrybrook Public Schools. She also taught at The Needle and I in Carlingford Court for 7 years – with over 60 students attending her classes. She decided to create a studio in her own home, where she ran her own business, Gina’s Arts & Crafts, for several years.
Gina has been a member of the Embroiders' Guild, and has over 30 years' experience in teaching Embroidery and Arts & Crafts. She was a Convenor of the Pennant Hills Group of the Embroiders' Guild for two 3-year terms. This group now meets twice a month, to continue embroidering which they have done so for many years.