Bridge for All

Bridge for All

Bridge for All  - Sydney Course

Consolidate the basics of playing Bridge and build your confidence during each session. This course is suitable for all levels.

During the course, you will learn and continue building on your knowledge of card play, bidding and working with a partner. This includes techniques to evaluate your hand of 13 cards, what you need to open the bidding in a suit contract and a no trump contract, points needed to respond to your partner’s opening bid at several levels, simple system conventions including Stayman and Blackwood, as well as pre-empts, transfers, jump bids and asking for aces.

Finally, you will understand how to work with your partner. This is one of the most important aspects of bridge play and is often overlooked or underplayed. We discuss how to be a good partner, dealing with disasters at the table and moving on, understanding duplicate bridge competition, and being a good dummy.

By the end of this course, you will have learnt the principles of card play, including how to play in no trumps, how to play in suit contracts and how to play defence. You will have the skills and confidence to be able to play a bridge game with others, including at local bridge clubs.

Remember Bridge is for fun, enjoyment and mental stimulation - and never forget you and your partner are on the same side!

Macquarie Community College operates from a range of venues across Northern and Western Sydney. We have campuses in Blacktown, Carlingford, Chatswood, Epping, Mt Druitt, Richmond, and Ryde. Enrol now!

Course Outline

In this course you will learn:

1. Bidding basics

  • how to evaluate your hand of 13 cards
  • how to open the bidding in a suit contract and a no trump contract
  • points needed to respond to your partner’s opening bid at several levels
  • responding without a suit fit
  • points needed to overcall opponents
  • simple system conventions including Stayman, transfers, jump bids and asking for aces

2. Principles of card play

  • how to play in no trumps - counting tricks, establishing long suit tricks, what is a finesse, leading honours, keeping control of suits
  • how to play in Suit Contracts – counting losers, drawing trumps, establishing suits, dealing with unbalanced distribution
  • how to play defence – the opening lead, which card in partner’s suit, agreed leads and signals, second hand play, discards, counting the cards during play

3. Partnership understanding

  • partnership system simplicity
  • how to be supportive to your partner
  • dealing with disasters at the table and moving on
  • understanding duplicate bridge competition
  • how to be a good dummy.

Course Outcome

By the end of this course, you will have learnt the principles of card play, including how to play in no trumps, how to play in suit contracts and how to play defence. You will have the skills and confidence to be able to play a bridge game with others, including at local bridge clubs.

What to bring

Please bring a:

  • Pen and pad
  • Other Information: No textbook required.
  • Comprehensive course notes provided.


This course is suitable for all levels and assumes no prior knowledge of Bridge.

Delivery Mode

Classroom based: experienced and engaging trainers will take you through the course material face to face.

Classroom based learning for this course includes:

  • Scheduled class times and sessions
  • Interaction with your trainer and other students
  • You will be seated at table for 4 players.

Please note: Government COVID-19 regulations and recommendations, including appropriate social distancing measures, hand washing and other hygiene protocols will be in place at all times and may result in course delivery changes.

Macquarie Community College operates from a range of venues across Northern and Western Sydney. We have campuses in Blacktown, Carlingford, Chatswood, Epping, Mt Druitt, Richmond, and Ryde. Enrol now!

Course testimonials:

  • Pamela said: Now I have a basic understanding of Bridge .. and am eager to build on this introduction..Susan made the classes fun and interesting excellent teacher..