BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Customer Engagement)

BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Customer Engagement)

Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate III in Business BSB30120.
  • Assist with maintaining workplace safety (BSBWHS311)
  • Deliver and monitor a service to customers (BSBOPS304)
  • Support personal wellbeing in the workplace (BSBPEF201)
  • Design and produce business documents (BSBTEC301)
  • Organise personal work priorities (BSBPEF301)
  • Participate in sustainable work practices (BSBSUS211)
  • Use inclusive work practices (BSBTWK301)
  • Write simple documents (BSBWRT311)
  • Engage in workplace communication (BSBXCM301)
  • Apply critical thinking skills in a team environment (BSBCRT311)
  • Process customer complaints (BSBOPS305)
  • Assist with customer difficulties (SIRXCEG002)
  • Advise on products and services (SIRXPDK001)

BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Customer Engagement) - Sydney Course

The BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Customer Engagement) course is suitable for students that are looking to build skills for a wide variety of customer service-based employment opportunities.

In this customer engagement course, students will develop skills that are relevant to a wide range of business environments that provide a service to customers. With a strong focus on communication skills and building relationships within a workplace team and with customers this course is designed to maximise potential employment opportunities across a range of industries including retail, contact centre, sales or customer facing roles.

Macquarie Community College operates from a range of venues across Northern and Western Sydney. We have campuses in Blacktown, Carlingford, Chatswood, Epping, Mt Druitt, Richmond, and Ryde. Enrol now!

Course Outline

In this course you will learn:

  • Use communication skills to build effective workplace relationships
  • Manage personal work effectiveness
  • Deliver a high level of customer service
  • Provide customers with advice on products and services
  • Produce business documents to support customer service
  • Deal with customer difficulties and complaints

Course Outcome

At the end of this course students will have gained a range of all-round customer service skills to support the functions of a business. They will have the knowledge and skills to deal with customers in a broad range of circumstances and across a wide variety of businesses.

Students will gain the skills to contribute to a team and to prioritise work and maintain wellbeing in order to be effective in a busy environment.

Upon completion of the course, students will be issued a BSB30120 Certificate III in Business where competency has been achieved.

What to Bring

All course material is provided and inclusive with course fees.

Please bring:

  • Notebook
  • Pen

For remote learning online Zoom classes students will need a stable internet connection on computer or laptop to participate. 

Prerequisite: Essential

An appropriate level of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills is required to enrol in this course. Macquarie Community College may conduct an LLN assessment as part of the pre-enrolment process unless other evidence of competency is available.

Prerequisite: Desirable

Students should have a basic digital literacy and knowledge of Microsoft applications (particularly Word) as several units will require access to these. The course will cover the use of some of these applications but assumes familiarity and some prior knowledge of how to navigate these.

If students do not have this, we suggest a Digital Literacy course be undertaken prior to this qualification.

Fees and Government Subsidy Opportunities

Smart and Skilled is a reform of the NSW Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. It's helping people in NSW get the skills they need to find a job and advance their careers.

Smart and Skilled provides eligible students with:

  • An entitlement to government-subsidised training up to and including Certificate III.
  • Government funding for higher-level courses (Certificate IV and above) in targeted priority areas.

If you're a prospective student, please visit: where you will find everything you need to know about the Smart and Skilled program before you enrol.

NSW FEE-FREE* courses now available, please visit:

*Eligibility criteria apply. This training is fully subsidised by the NSW and Australian Governments, and as a result your fee is determined through Training Services NSW formal eligibility criteria. Students will need to supply the required evidence in accord with the requirements of Smart and Skilled eligibility.

Payment Plans are available through Macquarie Community College for Smart and Skilled eligible qualifications. 10% deposit OR $40 (whichever is greater) required upon enrolment followed by Interest-free payment plan. Payment methods: EFTPOS, Direct Deposit, Direct Debit, Visa or MasterCard.

Study Load

The completion time for the Certificate III in Business varies according to the educational background and any relevant experience of the student.
Face to face classes take approximately 5-6 months. 

The student will be expected to complete approximately 10 hours of study in class. Students are recommended to complete a minimum of 10 hours self-study at home per week, but this amount of time can vary depending on academic and vocational background. 

Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning

Credit transfer (CT) is defined in the AQF as follows:

  • Credit transfer is a process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes for components of a qualification based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is defined in the AQF as follows:

  • Recognition of prior learning is an assessment process that involves assessment of an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine the credit outcomes of an individual application for credit.

This is underpinned by the AQF definition of credit as follows:

  • Credit is the value assigned for the recognition of equivalence in content and learning outcomes between different types of learning and/or qualifications.
  • Credit reduces the amount of learning required to achieve a qualification and may be through credit transfer, articulation, recognition of prior learning or advanced standing.

For further CT information visit:

For further RPL information visit:

If you would like to apply for CT or RPL, please contact us.

Career Opportunities

By the end of this course, you will be able to undertake job roles such as:

  • Customer Service
  • Retail Assistant
  • Sales Assistant
  • Sales Consultant
  • Contact Centre Operator
  • Call Centre Consultant

Core Unit Components (6)

  • BSBCRT311 Apply critical thinking skills in a team environment
  • BSBPEF201 Support personal wellbeing in the workplace
  • BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices
  • BSBTWK301 Use inclusive work practices
  • BSBWHS311 Assist with maintaining workplace safety
  • BSBXCM301 Engage in workplace communication

For more information on units please visit

Elective Unit Components (7)

  • BSBPEF301 Organise personal work priorities
  • BSBWRT311 Write simple documents
  • BSBTEC301 Design and produce business documents
  • BSBOPS304 Deliver and monitor a service to customers
  • SIRXPDK001 Advise on products and services
  • BSBOPS305 Process customer complaints
  • SIRXCEG002 Assist with customer difficulties

Electives may be altered to suit recognition of previous experience which may reduce course completion times.

For more information on units please visit

How You Will Be Assessed

Assessment (including recognition of prior learning) must:

  • Meet the requirements of the relevant training package or accredited course, and
  • Be conducted in accordance with the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence, and
  • Meet workplace and, where relevant, regulatory requirements.

For this course assessment will entail the following:

  • Written and verbal questioning
  • Practical simulation and group role play
  • Independent and/or group research and class presentations

Students will be informed when assessments are to take place.

What Can I Study Next?

Upon successful completion of the BSB30120 Certificate III in Business, you can further develop your skills by studying any business qualification at Certificate IV level or higher or any other qualification relevant to the industry you work in which requires prerequisite knowledge of office skills.

Delivery Mode

We offer training in formats that suit you and your workplace in accordance with the training package.

BSB30120 Certificate III Business is available in the following learning mode:

Classroom based: experienced and engaging trainers will take you through the course material face to face.

Classroom learning for this course may include:

  • Text book references
  • White board notes and visuals
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • DVD’s
  • Class discussions and group tasks
  • Case studies and scenarios
  • Practical simulation and group role play

Remote learning: experienced and engaging trainers will take you through the course material via interactive livestream video classes online.

Remote learning for this course may include:

  • Scheduled class times and sessions
  • Livestream video classes online
  • Interaction with your trainer and other students during livestream video sessions
  • Mixed mode learning - using course books, online resources and practical sessions
  • Ongoing trainer support to each individual student via video, email, phone and/or online chat groups

Please note: You will need access to the internet and a computer, laptop or tablet in order to participate in the livestream video classes.

Other areas of delivery assessed on request.

Workplace based training delivered in your workplace.

Logistical Information

Macquarie Community College operates from a range of venues across Northern and Western Sydney. We have campuses in Blacktown, Carlingford, Chatswood, Epping, Mt Druitt, Richmond, and Ryde. Enrol now!